FAQ - Get the answers you need

The fee for an individual session is $120

The fee for a couple or family (parents or parent and child) is $150 a session.

Each session is 50 minutes of direct client contact and 10 minutes is allocated after the session for record-keeping; thus, the full fee is for 60 minutes.

Most extended health benefit plans cover psychotherapy by a Registered Social Worker (RSW), with an annual monetary amount. Please confirm with your provider before your appointment.

Your income taxes may claim fees as an allowable medical expense.

*Note that OHIP does not currently cover mental health care expenses.


Clients may cancel their appointments without penalty 24 hours prior to their scheduled appointment. A $50 cancellation charge may apply if 24-hour notice is not provided.

I offer a free 15-minute introductory consultation to interested individuals to provide information about my services, to assess their needs and so you can decide if you think we will work well together.

Payment can be made in cash, etransfer, interact, and major credit or debit cards. A receipt will be provided after payment is received.  

During your first appointment, I will review a general informed consent form and treatment contract. Then we will get to work. I believe treatment starts the minute we meet and as well as getting to know you, we will identify your treatment goal and start to address your needs in our very first session.

Research indicates that therapy is most effective with weekly or bi-weekly sessions. Increasing in length between sessions as progress is achieved.

Counselling clients attend on an as-needed basis.

For some clients one session is all that is needed, others report that 3-6 sessions are enough, and still others attend therapy for 10-12 sessions. However, you are always the best judge of your progress.

In-person therapy is preferable, however, all sessions are currently being offered by phone, video or in person.

I currently offer in-person appointments on Mondays and Thursdays evenings.

Virtual appointments are available on request at times that work for us.

Nope! Anyone can benefit from therapy and I am happy to work with all kinds of clients. Reach out today!

Two locations are available for your convenience.

4270 East Avenue Lincoln ON L3J 0N8

30 Duke St. St. Catharines ON L2r 5W4

Sometimes we struggle with our thoughts, feelings or behaviour and have no idea why. It can be hard to know what kind of help we need when we have difficulty putting words into our experience. The short answer to this question is: YES. In therapy I will "meet you where you're at" and we will work together to determine the meaning of your experience, and your needs moving forward.

Some of the issues that I provide support in managing and overcoming include the following:

Anxiety; Depression; Stress Management; Anger Management; Emotion Regulation; Relationship Concerns; Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence; Parenting Support; Family Relationships; Self-Harm and Suicide Ideation; and Grief and Bereavement

My goal is to give you the type and length of treatment you need. No more, no less.

If you find you're not having much to discuss, you've reached goals or are feeling like you’re managing better day-to-day since beginning counselling, it may be time to reduce the frequency of your sessions or to end counselling altogether.

Often, this timing is sensed mutually by the therapist. If you decide you’d like to return for therapy, the door is always open!

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